Difference in current education policy and new education policy

Let’s compare the changes brought about by the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) with the existing policy.

Early Childhood Education

Existing Policy

There was limited emphasis on early childhood education, and access to quality education for children aged 3 to 6 years was not widespread.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 recognizes the importance of early childhood education and aims to provide universal access to quality education for children in this age group.

Basic Skills

Existing Policy

There was a lack of specific focus on ensuring that every child attains basic literacy and numeracy skills by the end of Grade 3.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 prioritizes the development of foundational literacy and numeracy skills for every child by the end of Grade 3.


Existing Policy

The existing structure followed a 10+2 format, where students had 10 years of school education followed by 2 years of higher secondary education.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 introduces a new structure of 5+3+3+4, which divides the education system into stages and emphasizes foundational learning, preparatory education, middle school, and secondary/high school education.

Choice of Subjects

Existing Policy

The existing policy had limited flexibility in subject choices, with students having to select a particular stream (science, arts, or commerce) that determined their subject options.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 allows students to choose subjects across different streams, promoting a multidisciplinary approach and enabling students to explore diverse areas of interest.

Skills Training

Existing Policy

Vocational education and skills training were not integrated into the curriculum at the secondary level in a comprehensive manner.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 emphasizes the integration of vocational education and skills training from the secondary level onwards, ensuring that students develop practical skills for employment and entrepreneurship.

Technology in Education

Existing Policy

The existing policy had limited focus on the integration of technology in education.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 promotes the integration of technology in education, encouraging the use of digital resources, online learning platforms, and e-courses to enhance teaching and learning.

Teacher Training

Existing Policy

There was a lack of emphasis on continuous professional development and standardized teacher training programs.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 emphasizes the continuous professional development of teachers through robust training programs and sets standards for teachers through the National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) framework.

Higher Education Reforms

Existing Policy

The existing policy did not focus extensively on a multidisciplinary approach or research and innovation in higher education.

NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 introduces significant reforms in higher education, promoting a multidisciplinary approach, establishing the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI), and encouraging research and innovation.

These comparisons highlight the key changes brought about by the NEP 2020 in comparison to the existing education policy in India.